Tim and Emily are on the brink of striking a unique deal...

Emily Turner has finally caught the eye of someone who sends her heart soaring. But while she's confident in most areas of her life, she grapples with insecurities when it comes to love and attraction. To snag her crush's attention, she'll have to step out of her comfort zone and enlist the help of Tim, the mysterious, charismatic star of the ice hockey team.

...And it's sure to be an adventure to remember.

All Tim van der Berg dreams of is pursuing his ice hockey career after graduation, but his slipping grades threaten to derail his plans. If assisting a determined blonde in making another guy jealous can save his spot on the team, he's up for the challenge. However, when a single unexpected moment leads to a powerful connection, Tim realizes that pretending won't suffice. Now, he must convince Emily that the man she desires might be closer than she thinks.

Riley and Ethan are on the brink of striking a unique deal...

Riley Summers has always exuded confidence on stage as a pageant queen, but when it comes to real life, she's riddled with insecurities. Especially now, as she faces the challenge of landing a dream assignment that could shape her future career. To succeed, she'll have to collaborate with Ethan, the aloof, enigmatic star goalie of Sterling Heights University's ice hockey team—a man she can't stand.

...And it's sure to be an adventure to remember.

Ethan Carter's singular focus is on his ice hockey career, and maintaining his grades is crucial to his eligibility to play. When he's paired with Riley for the assignment, it's a blow to his meticulously planned path. Assisting a seemingly superficial beauty queen isn't how he envisioned his semester going. Yet, when a moment of genuine understanding occurs between them, Ethan realizes there's more to Riley than meets the eye. As they delve deeper into their project and their facades begin to crack, Ethan must show Riley that sometimes, the person we least expect can be the one who truly understands us.

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